Database Server Problems......

Erm, I cant seemed 2 publish new post yesterday . Nak log in ke account pun punye lame giler nak tunggu. Pas2 bile nak change setting account, haram x leh msk. Mmg panas ar semalam. Nas cube fikir blk, aper setting yg dah nas ubah smp x leh nak access blog. Rasenyer xde. Kalau ade pun, last sekali nas post komentar kutuk Bush. X kan la server administrator nie pro Bush sgt sampai nak ban website Nas. I was really upset that time, fed up also. So I decided 2 submit an e-mail 2 tell 'blogspot server administrator' about the problem. Fortunately, the problem solved today. N, I also received a reply mail from the administrator.

Dear Mr Mohd Anas,
"Last night, we had a significant problem with one of our database servers. This prevented some people from being able to access theirblogs and caused errors to be seen by others. We are working to migrate data off of this troubled server and bring on new hardware to replace it.We sincerely apologize for this outage and are working hard to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. Sincerely,Blogger Support."

So, ok la. Tutup cerite psl blogsite problem 2. Hari ini, satu masalah lain plak timbul. Nie pasal Friendster plak. Nas terkejut giler pasal testimonial dah hilang... waaaa sedihnnye. Rupe-rupenye I'm not alone. Bukan Nas jer yg jd "mangsa kehilangan testimonial nih". Ramai lagik yg jd mangsa keadaan. Erm, entahla. X tau kenape. Maybe it has something to do with the database servers, server error maybe. Hopefully this is only a temporary errror. Hopefully the 'testimonial' will be back shortly. N, to 'Friendster Support Team', plz do something...